Wednesday, June 25, 2008

But who designed the Designer?

I heard this argument against the existence of God: if the world is so complex as to have required a Designer, then the Designer itself would have to be so complex as to require a designer of its own. And that goes against the Christian belief that God is eternal. No beginning, no end.

I haven't come up with a response to this objection, at least one that is totally satisfactory to me (but I haven't lost faith over it, either). My first thought is, we still don't know everything there is to know about our own world and probably never will. How much less are our chances of understanding the supernatural world, let alone the Creator who established both realms?

Looking forward to any responses.


Derek Brown said...

The argument from complexity only arises in systems or processes that have an end (a purpose, if you will), and the components of those systems or processes. It's not the complexity that requires a's that the complexity has an end in mind. God is complex, but He is not a component of a larger system. He is independent of all systems, and indeed, the Designer of all teleological systems (systems with an end). Therefore the argument from complexity does not apply to Him. But it does apply to everything He has created because it, in essence, is a system with an end: namely, His own glory.

You asked. ;)

Justin said...

Indeed, and thanks for answering! I just hope you're not the only person who responds (or reads this, for that matter)